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Showing posts with label cash flow challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cash flow challenge. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Challenge "Cash flow" update September 2018

Today I hit $100,000 in cash flow from the investments for this year so far.
And with that I reached Level 2 of my "Cash flow challenge" - "Sailing".

With $100,000 the yearly expenses are more than covered. Anything above that will be just fun.  

Below is my cash flow per month compared to the S&P 500 performance. 

my cash flow

S&P500 returns in % to date (September non included yet)

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Challenge "cash flow" update - May 2018

For the year 2017 the overall investment income was slightly over $49,000. I was very close to challenge status "swimming" which is $50,000. But since I didn't reach it, I am still "floating".

The counts reverted to $0 on January 1, 2018. A little more than 4 months passed since the start of 2018 and today I broke $50,000! January and April were very good months.

      My returns per month until 5/10/2018 

Below here is the S&P500 monthly return in %. Data for May is not available yet because the month is not complete.

S&P monthly returns