The last of our probatable assets was replaces by a non-probatable last Saturday. (I was trying to make all assets non-probatable, see here).
We still had one old truck left which was not in both of our names. Last Saturday we replaced it by a new truck which is now registered in both our names and will not be probatable if something happens to one of us.
Before we picked out the truck we were looking around the the car dealership and one of the car salesmans came to us asking if we need any help. I recognized him, he sold me my car in 2017. But he didn't recognize me.
We just finished watching the series "Mentalist" on Amazon Prime. It is about a guy who used to be a mentalist, someone who supposedly can read peoples minds. In the movie he admits that he is not a real psychic and that he just can read people very well. He worked for the FBI helping to catch criminals using his people reading skills. While watching this show my daughter and I really wished to have those skills.
When I saw the car salesman and realized that he doesn't recognize me, I decided to play the mentalist. I used what I remembered him telling me about himself when I bought my car from him.
When he asked if we need help I looked at him and just asked him if his birthday is on Halloween. He appeared very surprised and said" Yes, it is!! How did you know it?" I said that it just came to me. He called his colleague, told him about me guessing his birthday and sked me if I can guess this other guy's birthday.
I pretended to focus a bit but then said that I don't feel any connection to the other guy.
Then I said: "But about you - I can tell you that you have Italian blood." He was surprised even more.
I didn't stop there. I asked to touch his hand and then I told him that he also likes guns and that he was a police officer before. That seriously shocked him.
At this point I couldn't leave it like that, it felt very dishonest. I started laughing making the situation much less serious. I told him that I previously bought a car from him and I remember what he told me about himself. We all laughed.
But there is still some psychic element in this story: when we were buying my car in 2017, Then my 8 year old daughter asked him really out of the blue if his birthday was on Halloween. That freaked him out, and me a little bit too. Because she just sked that. It was May, not even close to Halloween. She couldn't explain it why she asked him that...