This year the number is 47.
Getting closer and closer to 50.
When do people start to write memoires? Probably best to do it before you start to forget all the funny things that happened in your life.
I almost didn't post anything from my Happy birthday 46 post.
It was not because I lost interest. There was a computer related change at work and the blogger function was suddenly blocked. I usually don't post anything from home, I have a lot of home related thigs to do at home. It is much nicer to do it from my office where I am alone and it is quiet. Especially proof-reading is easier with my slight dyslexia. This week I checked and found that the blogger function is not blocked anymore. And now I am back.
It was very surprising that the total blog views are now at about 20,000. A year ago when I posted last time they were at 3,000.
It took 4 years to get to 3,000 and only one year to get from 3,000 to 20,000.
The strange thing is that there are not many new comments... Maybe my writing style is not inviting to comment, I don't know... But is was actually a comment that prompted me to check if the blogger was still blogged. The commenter asked to continue to write and it was nice.
I need to update the Cash flow challenge for 2020, there were some changes. The last year was less stressful because I didn't do active trading anymore. Only after stopping I realized how tired it was making me. Now I am less tired and it feels that I only have one job instead of two.
My daughter is 11 and she wants to have a YouTube channel. I am reluctant because of my paranoia. I thought about that myself and have looked up some ways to have an anonymous channel or one where you al least don't show your face, but I think I am not ready yet.
Today I will add a photo of my cat, also no face. The cat is wearing my daughter's baby clothes and is eating his daily portion of ice cream., pub-2401395848907192, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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