Moneyanatomy - personal finance blog

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Are the graphs of daily deaths saying anything? Corona diary 4

I am watching the statistics for the Corona cases. 
Mainly I am watching the reports of the daily deaths. The daily new infections are interesting too, but the testing is not the same from country to country. 

I trust the death reports more and think that they will be more useful in comparisons. 

The graphs below are from

The general feeling is that Italy and Spain are the front runners and that the USA and Germany are behind. I am looking at Germany because my sister lives there. 

On the two graphs below we can see that both countries started to slow down in the rates of daily new deaths. 

The plateau was approximately from March 28 till April 4.

If I shift the Italy versus USA, it looks like we are there where Italy was about March 31-April 1. 

This way it looks like the shift is about 1 week. If this is correct, we should see the slow down in daily new deaths soon. 

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