Moneyanatomy - personal finance blog

Friday, March 27, 2020

Overreaction? Corona virus diary 3

This morning I noticed that the Funeral march music has dissapeard from my head. I tried to sing it on purpouse but it didn't stick. It was there from the middle of January till last week of March - for about 2.5 months. 
Now it seems to be gone. I hope it is good sign.

I will take it with caution and watch what will happen. Usually there is a lag time of 2-4 weeks. Maybe most of us will be back to work in 2-4 weeks.  Even if it doesn't look like it right now. 

I feel the similarity between this Corona virus pandemic and that one time few years ago when the biggest snow storm of the century was predicetd for Atlanta region. The airport was closed based on predictions. But no snow came. 
Definitely there are people dying due to the new virus but to put the entire planet into an economic coma may be a very big overreaction. 

The more we will be getting out of this pandemic, the more voices will be sounding calling is overreaction. 

Sometime later another virus will come. I hope that people in change will not forget the economic results of the current overreaction and will concider the measures more carefully. 


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