Moneyanatomy - personal finance blog

Monday, February 25, 2019

"Cash flow challenge" summary 2018

The total cash flow from investments in 2018 was $146,193. 

That is Level 2 of my "Cash flow challenge" - "Sailing".

The yearly expenses are more than covered. Anything above that is just fun. To have some of that fun I booked a larger cabin for our June cruise.  

Below is my cash flow per month and the S&P 500 performance for 2018. 

The cash flow was decreasing in the last 3 months of the year in the time when the marked was down. 
My minimum per month was above $2,000 and the maximum was about $19,000. 
The next level would be "Motor boating" which corresponds to $500,000 a year. That is $41,666 per month. I am not even half there. That will be a tough level to reach. It might take me a few years. 

my cash flow

S&P500 returns in %

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