In many ways I was just the same as many other people - struggling to lose weight which was slowly but surely creeping up.
After starting "Challenge 102" I stopped focusing on weight. My thoughts went deeper. Much deeper.
Thinking my deeper thoughts I used my already available knowledge on the human body processes but suddenly the puzzle pieces became strangely rearranged. Suddenly I saw everything in a different new light.
After applying my new understanding I lost weight without any struggle.
I am physically stronger than I ever was and I wasn't as strong even in my twenties. I always was a weakling.
My body shape has changed. Sometimes I look at it and can't believe it is my body. It is like I am living in a parallel reality where I got a different body.
I always thought: genes are genes, you can't do much. And yes, genes are genes, but there was a hidden capacity I didn't know about and that is quite amazing.
The phrase "I don't have anything to wear" doesn't exist for me anymore. I am happy.
This amazing transformation made me think about the mechanism behind this thoughts rearrangement which appears to be produced by asking a different question.
What has actually happened? It looks like I stopped focusing on just one aspect of what I thought is a component of a healthy life.
Instead I generated an overreaching goal: Leave to at least 102 years old. Achieving that goal already implies the underlying health. The answer to a question "What do I have to do do live that long?" came on its own and it was quite unexpected.
Now I am trying to deconstruct this example and apply it to another situation.
The example with the weight:
The conventional goal was "lose weight" as a representative for health.
The overreaching goal is "become at least 102 years old" which implies health as a major component.
What about money?
My conventional goal right now is to reach $3,000,000. It is a representative for financial freedom.
But what is the overreaching goal? The financial freedom? But comparing to the weight example that can't be my overreaching goal. The weight loss was representative for health, but the health was not the overreaching goal. I have to change magnification and see what is above the financial freedom.
What do I want this freedom for? Having financial freedom means that I will not bother by being dependant on work circumstances, on people, on people's opinions. But that is impossible when I live in a society. As long as I have connections and people I want to have relationships with, I will always have to adjust to some degree. And I don't mind that. I learned my ways and I like being in relationships with people. I also like my work. So relationship with others or work is not the factor.
Maybe I want to reduce anxiety and have more fun. I want that much money primarily to feel safe. Feeling of safety is when you know that you will always have enough resources for your needs. What will I do when I know that I am safe? I will enjoy life? Is "Life joy" that overreaching goal where the financial freedom is a component, like health is a component for becoming 102 years old?
It could be.
Things that work, work fast. I started seeing the effects of my "Challenge 102" in about 5 months.
So if this new goal is defined correctly I could start seeing the effects in approximately the same time. I will add few months wiggle room and see what happens.
So the results may come in May-September 2019. If nothing happens it will be either because of the wrong goal definition or maybe different goals require different times to work.
I will think about it again in May-September 2019 and adjust. Of course I know that my interpretation of those mechanisms may be wrong, but I will not know if I don't try.