Moneyanatomy - personal finance blog

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


This blog is more of a documentation of what I do for myself and I am not purposely writing for public.

I noticed that when I research an issue I go through a lot of information. When I write it down, I can understand and process it much better.

The possibility to keep all my notes in one place, well organized and accessible from practically everywhere - that what I use this blog for. 

If you accidentally found and are reading my blog, that is fine with me and will gladely share what I know or what I think.
I hope it will be to your benefit and you will enjoy it.

Since that blog is basically a byproduct of my own organizing process, I don't care if it gets popular or not.

I prefer to stay incognito mostly because I am talking about money...

Anyway, if you happened to stumble upon this blog, you are welcome! 


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