Moneyanatomy - personal finance blog

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Challenge "Magic number"

There are many nice blogs by physicians who set as their goal to retire early from their medical carriers.  

I do have a family history of "early" retirements: my mother retired with 55 and father with 60. When they retired they found some new things to do for themselves. My father started a new business and my mother got a lot of chickens, turkeys and geese to keep herself busy. 
I don't have any particular plans yet. 

I am not in a hurry to retire and to retire early is not my goal. I like my work. After I moved to the place where I live now from a very very cold place, the weather here makes me feel like I am on vacation almost every day. When I go on vacation, it is like I am taking vacation from my vacation. 

My main motivation to reach that magic number of $3,000,000 is just to finally feel safe, because I grew up very poor and that "post-traumatic stress syndrome" of growing up very poor still doesn't let me go.  

In savings, like in other things I like to underpromice and to overachieve.
Of course I will try to overachieve here in this challenge. 

I don't know when I reach the magic number of $3,000,000 or even if I ever reach it. But I every month I will make small steps toward my goal.


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